Simple Skincare Tips to Beat Monsoon Skin Problems

it is important to take extra care of your skin and hair in the rainy weather. humidity and chemical rainwater can cause many makeup and skin problems,

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A Girl In Red Outfit Holding Umbrella In Rainy Weather

The Monsoon season is almost here to bring a huge relief from the sizzling heat of the summers. But don’t think that there’s no extreme heat from the sun, then your skin is safe.

As the season changes from summers to rainy weather, it has its shares of drawbacks, including humidity and chemical rainwater that cause many skin and hair problems, skin infections, and makeup issues.

Thus, it is essential to take extra care of your skin and hair in rainy weather. And it is equally important to know the skin allergies and how to prevent allergies in the rain.

Here, I told you everything you want to know about the monsoon-related problems and the solution on how to sort out them. Let us discuss them in detail.

Your perfect monsoon skincare routine

Rainy weather looks delightful, dreamy, and lovely, but the humidity present in the weather doesn’t work with your regular skincare routine.

The humid climate makes your skin more oily, leading to breakouts. You have to pay extra care and attention to your skin with this changing weather.

Don’t be depressed; I am here with you guys. It is the perfect monsoon skincare routine for healthy and clear skin.

Wash your fash more fequently

rainy day skin care

During the rainy season, the pores get clogged, which leads to acne. So, it is vital to wash your face more frequently to avoid excess oil, grime, and fungal infection.

Limit washing your face thrice a day because more than may cause stripping your skin off its essential oil, leading to more sebum production, which leads to more acne.

Go for a face wash that contains salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. It will gently clean your skin, dry up the oil and germs, and make your skin fresh and acne-free.

Try homemade remedies for clear skin

One of the easiest and most effective ways to fight humidity is using homemade remedies. Home remedies give your lifeless skin a boost and radiance.

Let’s have a look at these beautiful skin remedies that improve, moisturize, and give an instant glow to your skin in this monsoon season.

Mud face pack for oil-free skin

Mix Multani Mitti with Rosewater to make a fine paste. Apply this paste to your skin for 10 to 15 minutes. Wash it off with cool water.

Multani mitti can remove excess dirt, oil, sebum, sweat, and impurities from the skin and give you oil-free matte skin.

Regular use of fuller earth ( Multani mitti )improves skin texture, brightens the complexion, fights acne and pimples, and reduces the signs of aging.

Neem face pack for acne prone skin

Mix one teaspoon of neem powder with two tablespoons of aloe vera gel in a bowl to make this face pack. Apply this paste on a clean face massaging onto your skin. After the face pack is dry, rinse it off and wipe your face with a clean towel.

Neem is best known for its antioxidant properties. It protects your skin from harmful UV rays, pollution, and other environmental factors.

The vitamins present in neem improve the elasticity of the skin. Neem has antibacterial properties that help clear acne, scars, and blackheads. It also prevents pimples and other skin blemishes.

Curd face pack for dry skin

rainy season skin care

Make a fine paste by mixing fresh curd, jojoba oil, and honey in equal parts. Apply this face pack for about 10 to 15 minutes and rinse it off with cold water.

All the ingredients have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help soothe dry, flaky, and itchy skin.

Curd, with its moisturizing properties, leaves your skin soft and supple. Honey is also an excellent humectant that seals moisture in your skin and makes it nourish and plump.

It also works as a treatment for acne, scarring, and dull skin. Jojoba oil is a powerful skincare ingredient that is great for hydrating, nourishing, and soothing skin.

Exfoliation is the key

Humidity in monsoon weather can make your skin appear dull and lifeless. Whether your skin type is oily or dry, it affects every skin type.

Oily skin becomes oilier in the spring season, and dry skin appears drier in some patches. Regular exfoliation is the best way to balance excessive oil and improve your skin’s appearance in monsoon.

Exfoliation removes dead skin cells from the outer layers of the skin. It also helps unclog pores, increase blood circulation, and grow new skin cells that give you more radiant and flawless skin.

It would be best to exfoliate your face about two to three times a week with a mild exfoliator. You can also try gentle kitchen ingredients like coffee, sugar, baking soda, lemon, oatmeal, etc., to turn your dull and acne-prone skin into clean, glowing skin.

Tone up your skin

Exfoliation and cleansing leave your skin pores open and accumulate dirt in them, resulting in acne breakouts.

Toning is essential to closing pores to avoid oil clogging. In rainy weather, toner is must be used twice a day because of the humidity in the weather.

It helps your skin remove the leftover dirt, and makeup after cleansing makes your skin feel fresh and rejuvenated.

You can use natural ingredients like green tea, lemon juice, rose water and, cucumber water instead of market toners.

My favorite one is rose water, as it works as a powerful facial toner to extract excess oil that leads to acne breakouts.

Moisturizer is your bae

People with oily skin always make the mistake of skipping moisturizer in this humid season. But the truth is that it is the biggest myth.

Whether your skin type is dry, oily, or acne-prone, make moisturizer your essential step in your daily regimen. Moisturizing helps maintain your skin’s healthy cells and protects them from irritation and skin problems.

An expert says that moisturizers contain ingredients called humectants, which draw the water into your skin, and emollients, which form a protective film and trap the water in the skin.

If you have oily skin, go for gel-based moisturizer or if you have dry skin, then use cream-based moisturizer twice a day to decrease your sebum levels and make your skin less oily.

Acne-prone skin looks for a moisturizer labeled non-comedogenic, which does not cause acne.

Never skip sunscreen

Many people have this query whether they should apply sunscreen in the rainy season because there is no sun.

If you have the same query, I will sort it out today. So the simple answer is ‘YES, ‘sunscreen is always a must. It would be best if you never avoided sunscreen, even in the cloudy or winter.

Expert says that the rays will reach you if you’re anywhere within several feet of the window. So, when you are indoors, you need to apply sunscreen if you do not want wrinkles and age on your skin beforehand.

In his book Beauty Unleashed, Dr. Dinyar Workingboxwalla, a celebrity cosmetologist, explains UVA light is a significant contributor to skin damage, wrinkles, freckles, age spots, and skin discoloration.

You should apply a Broad Spectrum Sunscreen with SPF (Sun Protection Factor) 30 or higher every day to prevent sunburn and the health-damaging effects of UV rays from the sun. Apply sunscreen to your face and neck daily.

Drink lots of water

rainy season beauty tips

No matter the weather, if you want to keep your body and skin healthy, it is essential to keep your body hydrated.

If you’re not drinking enough water, your skin is dehydrated. It can appear flaky, dull, and dry. An adequate amount of water consumption also keeps the immunity level high in rainy weather, preventing common monsoon problems like cold and flu.

Hydrated skin is smooth, radiant, and has an even tone. For this, you need to quench your skin’s thirst from time to time, and hence your skin looks plumper and livelier. According to Japanese Water Therapy, it is recommended for you to drink at least eight glasses of water every day.

Regular soothe your skin with ice

Due to excessive humidity, the skin becomes oilier and greasier and accumulates dirt during rainy weather. It leads to unwanted acne breakouts.

You can rub ice on your face to minimize the pores and decrease sebum secretion. Icing visibly reduces tiredness on your face and brightens your complexion, and thus, the skin attains instant radiance.

It may also help reduce sunburns, pimples, and skin inflammation and boost blood circulation. We recommend you wrap an ice cube in a clean cloth and massage it on the skin for a few seconds.

Other skin problems during rainy weather

Along with humidity, the chances of getting fungal infections increase in the rainy season. Breakouts are the main skin issue that occurs in monsoon.

Other than acne or breakouts, some other skin infections are not life-threatening but may irritate your skin.

Here, I have told you about the primary skin infections that occur in rainy weather and also about the way how to avoid them.

However, it is necessary to visit a dermatologist even in a minor skin infection to give a medical solution to the problem.


Hyperpigmentation is one of the major skin problems during the humid season. It is characterized by dark patches that occur on the skin caused by the overproduction of a pigment in the skin called melanin.

This skin problem occurs when melanocytes become hyperactive due to sun exposure, even in the rainy season.

Try to stay indoors as much as possible and always use sunscreen. Medication and laser therapies are helpful ways of treating the symptoms of hyperpigmentation.

Facial folliculitis

Facial Folliculitis or inflammation of hair follicles gives rise to excessive hair breakage in the rainy season.

Facial Folliculitis is first and foremost caused by a bacterial and fungal infection that occurs due to sweating, dehydration, and extreme monsoon humidity.

You can control it by preventing excessive sweating and keeping the skin clean and hydrated every time.

Exfoliate your skin twice a week to clean the pores and then apply antibiotic cream. Do not wax or shave your skin in this condition for a few days.


Ringworm -the red, circular pattern that you observe on your neck, armpits, or on your feet, is very common during rainy weather.

It is caused because of excessive sweat and humidity. In this spring weather, skin infection spreads through the fingernails when you scratch the skin.

Do not scratch the affected area and use anti-fungal cream, and powder, and always wear dry clothes to prevent this fungal infection.


Eczema is a non-infectious dermatological skin problem characterized by skin inflammation, redness, and itchiness.

Due to increased humidity during rainy weather, your skin tends to lose the ability to maintain moisture. Your skin becomes highly dry, itchy, and blistered.

People with sensitive skin should take extra care of their skin during rainy weather. Always keep your skin moisturized and wear loose, comfortable cotton clothes.

Simple ways to prevent such monsoon infections

  • Include plenty of water, fluids, and fresh fruits & veggies in your diet.
  • Avoid packaged and street foods during rainy weather. Eat only fresh and warm food.
  • Switch your perfumed body soap to an anti-bacterial soap.
  • Don’t walk bare feet even in your bathroom. Always wear open footwear.
  • Use an anti-fungal powder on your body.
  • Keep your body clean every time.

Effective monsoon hair care routine

Hair fall is a most common & natural circumstance due to humid climate conditions in rainy weather. In this damp weather, your hair sucks hydrogen, establishes bonds, and makes them frizzy.

It also increases the chances of dandruff, hair fall, and other problems. Along with taking a healthy protein diet, you have to take care of your hair by following these simple tips.

These steps protect your hair from damage from rain or humidity and do wonders on your dull hair. So, say goodbye to all hair problems and go on with smooth, shiny, and healthy hair.

Oiling is a must

Oiling increases blood circulation to your hair follicles, which nourish your hair internally. It keeps your hair away from the frizziness and unruliness in rainy weather by deep-conditioning your hair naturally.

Oiling increases the flexibility of hair, which means that it’s less exposed to breakage. Oiling is also a good remedy for treating dry scalp problems like dandruff and itching.

Regular oiling helps keep the hair healthy and look smooth and shiny. To gain the maximum benefits of oil, mix different oils( i.e., coconut, olive, argan, castor, etc.) in a bowl and heat it using the double boiler method.

Then give your scalp hot oil therapy at least two hours before washing your hair.

Cleanse your hair

It is vital to cleanse your hair regularly with water and shampoo every alternate day in this humid weather.

Due to humidity, the dirt sticks on your scalp, making your hair weak, dry, and brittle and eventually leading to falling.

It is essential to wash your hair regularly. Use mild antibacterial shampoo as it helps fight fungal infection during rainy weather.

Shampoos also remove excess oil and dead skin cells, promoting hair growth. For shampooing your hair, always wet your hair ( every single strand ) entirely and mix the shampoo with some water, then use it.

Focus more on cleaning the scalp rather than the length of your hair.

Condition your hair

It is crucial to condition your hair after shampooing, no matter the weather. Condition your hair with a nourishing and hydrating conditioner.

A rich conditioner smooths the cuticle and gives you soft hair that looks healthy and manageable. Never apply conditioner on your scalp, as it will make the roots oilier than they naturally are.

Don’t use too much conditioner, and use a wide-tooth comb to spread it well. Rinse your hair with cold water for extra shine.

Keeps your hair dry

Often we tie our wet hair in a hurry to go out. Keep in mind that your hair is very fragile and breaks when wet.

Do not tie your hair just after a shower, and let your loose hair get air-dried naturally. Instead of a hairdryer, use a soft microfiber towel that dries out your hair rapidly and reduces friction between the hair.

The microfiber hair towel absorbs moisture from your hair without causing any damage or breakage and leading to healthier locks over time.

Cover your hair when going outside

While you are usually required to stay at home as much as possible if you have to step out in the rain, make sure you carry an umbrella or a raincoat.

Always keep your hair covered with a cap or scarf, whether it is no rain outside. A scarf or hat will prevent the pollutants and create a wall between the excess moisture in the atmosphere and your hair.

You can also carry a small microfiber towel in your bag to dry your hair if you get drenched in the rain.

Wash away the rain afterward

I know that you will cover your hair before going out, but if your hair gets wet for any reason, you must wash it off immediately the same day.

Rainwater contains harmful chemicals that can lead to fungal infections. The rainwater tends to make your hair dull, dry, and sticky.

Also, if the water has a high pH level, it could give you burns, and your hair becomes brittle.

Time to make your makeup rainproof

Almost all girls like to do makeup, but it is challenging to make your makeup survive in the rainy weather. The combination of sweat and humidity makes your makeup ruined.

The rains during the monsoon can spoil your makeup in just a minute if you don’t give extra attention to it. The only basis to keep your makeup intact is to do minimal and waterproof makeup.

Here, I will share a few most important tips and tricks about the office and party makeup that help you maintain your skin better and long-lasting makeup.

Dailywear and Office makeup tips

Follow only one rule for makeup in rainy weather: “less is more.” The more simple makeup you do to go to the office, the more attractive and long-lasting it will be.

So these are some tips which will help you a lot in getting ready for the office.

Primer is must

Applying primer is essential for the spring season. This small step will save your makeup all day long.

Primer acts as a barrier between makeup and your skin. It also prevents external factors like dirt and grime from getting trapped in your skin.

After following the CTM routine, apply a pea-sized drop of a good primer on your face.

Opt for BB or CC cream

Ditch your heavy foundation and concealer in this rainy season. As humidity peaks, heavy foundations block the pores and make your makeup looks patchy.

Keep it minimal by using BB cream for even-tone skin or CC cream for good coverage. These creams also help keep the skin hydrated, moisturized, and balanced.

Use power based products

During the monsoon season, use powder-based products instead of cream-based to give a matte effect. Creamy eyeshadows are melting down in the rainwater.

Use loose translucent powder to set your makeup. For eyeshadow, avoid dark colors as they do not look pleasant during a gloomy rainy day. Go for subtle hues like beige, brown, and pink as they work the best in this weather.

Say ‘ Hello’ to creamy blush

Choosing a blush is just the opposite of choosing eyeshadows in rainy weather. Go for cream blushers instead of powder blushers.

Creamy blushers give you a flawless finish and feel like velvet on the skin. Try delicate shades of pink and peach and blend well for a soft and natural look.

Go for matte lips

Avoid glossy lipsticks and go for matte finished lips during this humid season. Glossy and creamy lipsticks may bleed easily in this weather.

Therefore, matte lipsticks are the best choice in rainy weather. Instead of bold and bright colors, opt for soft mattes, browns, or pink shades.

Waterproof Kohl or eyeliner

No makeup is complete without eye makeup, but in monsoon, less is more. It is not so necessary to apply heavy mascara to the office.

But if you like, then go for waterproof mascara. Otherwise, keep it simple by applying waterproof black kohl or liner to define your eyes naturally. You can also try a brown or white one to highlight your lower eyelid in this weather.

Party makeup tips

It is a big task to get ready for a party during monsoon season. But what to do when we have no other option.

Here I have told you some tips and tricks that prepare you for the party. You will not believe it, but by following these small tips, you can make your makeup long-lasting, and apart from that you will also look the most beautiful at the whole party.

Primer is always a must

Primer is always necessary before starting makeup, whether for the office or the party. This small step will make your makeup long-lasting, as I told you above.

After following the CTM routine, apply a pea-sized drop of a good primer on your face.

Go for water-based foundation

A water-based foundation will always stay better than a cream-based one in rainy weather. Water-based foundations are lightweight and oil-free and are great to fight humidity in this weather.

They are super nourishing without being heavy on your skin. These foundations are suitable for all skin types, including oily skin.

They give your skin desired coverage without going cakey in the gloomy rainy weather. For maximum range, remember to blend it with a damped sponge.

Smokey eyes win the game

Smokey eyes will give you a fantastic party look, whether you try black or do it with different colors. Don’t forget to prime your eyes before starting this eye makeup.

Go for waterproof eyeliners and mascara, as the rainwater or humidity present in the weather can ruin your makeup.

After finishing your eye makeup apply a light powder dusting over the entire eye area to keep it in place for longer.

Use a longer sealant

A longer sealant is a liquid converter that transforms powder formulas and pencils into smudge-proof, long-lasting makeup.

It is the most effective way to instantly convert your favorite non-waterproof makeup products into waterproof formulas.

I would recommend you Makeup Forever Aqua Seal. Its lightweight, liquid texture intensifies pigments and shimmer for a dramatic, long-lasting result. All you need to do is add a drop or two to the product and apply it instantly.

Don’t forget to use the setting spray

Once you’re done with your makeup, spritz your face with ‘makeup setting spray’ to keep your makeup long-lasting in the rainy weather.

TIt is the finishing touch to your makeup that locks your makeup into place and gives your skin instant hydration.

Hold the makeup setting spray about 15cm away from your face and mist all over. Please take a few seconds to let it dry, and you are ready to beat this gloomy rainy weather.

Essentials you need in the spring season

Have you put all the required stuff in your bag? As you know, this is spring season, and in this season sometimes it rains and sometimes it’s incredibly sunny.

So during this season, be fully prepared when you step out to not worry at any point in time.

Here are six essential items to add to your bag to stay protected, clean, and dry. These few items can help you get through the rains with ease.

Umbrella or raincoat

An umbrella or raincoat should be on the top bag essential during rainy weather. An Umbrella is proved to be a life savior during heavy rain and extreme sun.

They also keep us stay clean. Choose a vibrant, eye-catching umbrella to make a strong style statement in the rainy weather.

But if it is incredibly windy, replace the umbrella with a raincoat as it is easier to handle.


Rain brings a lot of diseases resulting in the common flu, viral fever, cold, and cough. In one day, our hands touch many items that can carry infections.

Make sanitizer your best friend during this time. Use it regularly before your meals or when you touch anything or surfaces in public areas.


The scarf is a beautiful fashion statement that can protect your favorite dress from spoiling in the rain. A scarf will also help protect your hair from the humidity in the weather.

Go for a colorful and vibrant cotton scarf that will make your outfit look more stylish and make your rainy day more pleasant.

Waterproof pouch

Just keep a waterproof pouch in your bag to give some extra protection for your essentials like your phone, money, charger, or ear pods.

You won’t even know when you will hit the rain, and you will be thoroughly drenched. So if your bag gets soaking wet along with you, you can breathe easy knowing your things are secure.

Tissue paper

Due to excess humidity, your skin becomes oily, and much dirt and grime stick to it. It is the reason you have more acne or pimples in rainy weather.

So, to keep your face clean, always keep a packet of wet tissues in your handbag. It can absorb the sweat on your face, making you feel refreshed.

If you get drenched in the rain, you can also use these tissues to keep your hands and feet clean.


A foul odor is one ubiquitous thing during this humid season. Keep a small perfume bottle in your bag and use it whenever you smell unpleasant and stay fresh and cool.


  1. What happens to skin during a humid climate?

    Due to extreme changes in the humidity level during the spring season, the oily skin becomes more oily that resulting in acne-prone skin, and the dry skin becomes highly dry, itchy, and blistered.
    You should follow a good skincare routine in the monsoon season to avoid this.

  2. Should we apply oil in the rainy season?

    Of course, yes, you should oil your hair a minimum of twice a week to prevent hair breakage. Oiling increases blood circulation to your hair follicles, which provides deep nourishment to your hair and keeps your hair away from the disobedience and frizziness in the monsoon.

  3. How do I get rid of oily skin in rainy weather?

    Home remedies are a great way to get rid of excess oil in the monsoon season. Use Multani mitti to remove excess dirt, oil, sebum, sweat, and impurities from the skin.
    Mix Multani Mitti with Rosewater to make a fine paste. Apply this paste to your skin for 10 to 15 minutes. Wash it off with cool water.

  4. How do you treat acne in the wet season?

    Follow a good skincare routine in the monsoon season to get rid of acne. Use a cleanser containing salicylic acid to cleanse the face.
    Using a neem face pack at least twice a week will prove to be very good for you.

  5. Is it common to lose hair in monsoon weather?

    Hair loss is one of the most common problems people face during monsoon. Humidity during rainy weather can make your scalp oily.

    It makes you go for hair wash more than usual, which can strip moisture from your hair. It, in turn, gives you dull and dry hair and makes hair fall.
    Along with extreme humidity, the rainwater during the monsoon contains chemicals that damage your hair follicles, making your scalp itchy and leading to dry and brittle hair.

  6. How can I stop itching in the rainy season?

    Due to extreme humidity in the monsoon, your skin loses the ability to retain moisture and becomes dry and itchy.
    The best way to stop itching is to take a cool shower or place cold water dampen cloth on the affected area.
    You can also apply tea tree oil or fresh aloe vera, or coconut oil to get significant relief from this skin infection.

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